오늘은 오픽에서 "공원"과 관련된 질문에 대한 스크립트를 공유해보려 합니다.
Description, Habit, Past Experience 세 가지 질문에 대해 준비해 봤습니다.
Filler는 다다익선이니 꼭 제가 넣은 부분이 아니더라도 대답 중에 막힐 때나 중간중간에 다양하게 넣어주세요
* 문법적으로는 잘못된 부분이 있을 수 있어요. 메인포인트(MP)와 표현, 시나리오 위주로 참고해 주세요 :)
* Filler
* Main Point
* 강조하는 표현
Q) Description 공원 묘사 - 좋아하는 공원
시나리오 :
난 한강의 야경이 좋아 > 도시뷰 야경, 분수가 특히 밤에 멋있어 > 야경 보면서 조깅하는 것도 좋아 > 멋진 야경이 다시 한강에 가게 해
전략 :
- 공원의 하나의 포인트(야경)에 대해 집중적으로 자세하게 설명
- 마지막 문장에 다시 메인포인트를 강조
Hmm, the favorite park? >> 시간 끌기
Well, I gotta say, I like Hangang River Park in Seoul City the best because it has really nice night view! >> Main Point
You know, since it’s located in Seoul city, its cityscape is just so awesome.
You know what? There is a fountain in the middle of the park.
It’s just so cool! Especially, at night, the rainbow light comes out of this fountain together.
It’s just so amazing.
Jogging at Hangang River Park just looking at its fountain view is one of my healing times.
Overall, its wonderful night view makes me to visit Hangang River Park again. >> Main Point 다시 강조
Q) Habit 공원에서의 루틴
시나리오 :
나는 공원에서 항상 사진을 찍어 > 앞에서 말한 것처럼 야경이 예쁘서 사진 찍는 게 좋아 > 내 친구도 사진 찍는 걸 좋아해 > 인스타에 사진 올리는 게 재밌어 > 예전에는 안 그랬는데 신기하네 > 지금은 공원에 도착하자마자 사진 찍어
전략 :
- ⭐ "사진 찍기" 시나리오는 돌려 막기 할 수 있는 서베이항목이 많아요!! 공원, 카페, 여행 등등 다양한 서베이 항목에서 쓸 수 있어요 😊
- 앞 질문에 답한 내용은 다시 언급함 👍
- 과거와 비교하는 표현
You know, I gotta say,,, Whenever I go to the park, I always take pictures. >> Main Point
Because I’ve told you before, the Hangang River park has the wonderful night view, so I really love the pictures I took at the Hangang River park.
It’s very rare for me to skip taking pictures at the park.
You know, I usually go to park with my best friend who also love s taking photo just like me.
And, you know what?
Uploading the best cut of the day on SNS, I mean Instagram, is one of our fun.
It’s interesting because I’ve never uploaded my picture on SNS before because I was a little shy. >> 과거와 비교
But now, my friend and I just really enjoy it. I just don’t know why?
So, nowadays, as soon as we arrive at the park, we start to find some nice photo spot and take pictures of each other.
Q) Past Experience 공원에서 기억에 남는 경험
시나리오 :
공원에서 새로운 친구를 사귄 경험 > 밖에서 아예 새로운 사람을 알게 된 건 처음이야 > 자세한 이야기
전략 :
- 재밌는 썰..
- ⭐ 이 시나리오도 돌려막기할 수 있는 서베이항목이 많아요! ~에서 새로운 친구를 사귀었다로 스토리를 만들 수 있어요. 꼭 실제로 겪은 일이 아니어도 이야기를 잘 지어내면 되겠죠?
- 인용문 사용 (They were like)
Well, here’s the thing.
Last month, my friend and I went to the Hangang River Park and that day and we made some nice new friends.
It was really interesting cos it was my first time to make new friends who I didn’t know at all even outside! >> Main Point
I mean at the park!
We played as usual that day, I mean taking some pictures for each other, riding a bicycle and so on.
At that night, we were just drinking beer you know, sitting on a mat.
Suddenly, two guys came to us and they were like “Excuse me, can we join with you guys?” >> 인용문
To be honest, we were little surprised because they were quite handsome.
So, we agreed with them and joined our seat.
We drank together and you know, played some drinking game.
Cuz they were really extroverted and well mannered, we had a great time.
We exchanged phone numbers and that night, you know we became good friends!
We still keep in touch each other!
It was one of the most remarkable experiences at the park I’ve ever had!
* keep in touch : 연락하고 지내다
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