공부 기록/오픽

오픽 AL 스크립트 공유 - 집/사는곳

tomatt0 2024. 10. 30. 15:14




오늘은 오픽에서 "집"과 관련된 질문에 대한 스크립트를 공유해보려 합니다.

Description, Habit, Past Experience 세 가지 질문에 대해 준비해 봤습니다.


Filler는 다다익선이니 꼭 제가 넣은 부분이 아니더라도 대답 중에 막힐 때나 중간중간에 다양하게 넣어주세요!


* 문법적으로는 잘못된 부분이 있을 수 있어요. 메인포인트(MP)와 표현, 시나리오 위주로 참고해 주세요 :)


* Filler

* Main Point

* 강조하는 표현

Q) Description 집 묘사 

시나리오 :

난 내 집에서 침실이 너무 좋아 > 내가 직접 꾸몄거든! > 파란색을 좋아해서 파란색 투성이야 > 어쨌거나 내 집에 너무 만족해서 친구들을 초대하고 싶어

전략 : 

- 최대한 하나의 포인트에만 집중해서 자세하게 설명


Alright, you know, I gotta say, what I really love about my home is my bed room.  >> Main Point
It’s not all that big but recently, I just redecorated my room by myself.
really love it because, I decorated my room just as I want!
You know what? I love blue color, so I styled my room by modern style in blue!
A navy blue blanket, pillows and something like that really make my room more special.
You see, also I spread a deep blue carpet which has round shape in the middle of the room.
I think this carpet is the best thing in my room because, you know, it really helps my room to seem more cozy.
Overall, I really feel satisfied with my new room and so I always just wanna invite my friends to my room.


Q) Habit (Comparison) 집에서의 루틴 - 평일/주말 구분해서 

시나리오 :

나는 평일에 집에서 다이어트 음식을 만들어 > 주말에는 친구들이랑 술 마셔 > 살쪘어 > 평일에는 최대한 조금 먹어 > 근데 나는 맛있는 다이어트 음식을 만들어 > 옛날에는 맛없는 샐러드만 먹었는데 너무 스트레스였어 > 지금은 다이어트도 맛있게 해

전략 : 

- 평일/주말 구분해야 하지만 메인 포인트 자체는 평일에 포커스

- 자기소개에서 언급한 내용을 다시 언급 👍


Well, umm, you know, I usually cook some diet food at home on my weekdays. >> Main Point
As I told you in the introduction, I really love drinking. So, I usually drink with my friends on weekends. >> 자기소개 내용 재 언급
Well to be honest, I gained lots of weight recently cuz I drink heavily very frequently.
So, I’m trying to eat as little as possible on my weekdays.

You know what? I’m an expert in making delicious diet food something like diet sandwich, salad pasta and so on!
In the past , you know I actually ate only salad during diet.

I mean without any dressing!

It was so stressful for me.
So now I changed my diet method to eat not just healthy but you know also happily!

What am I trying to say is you know, it even makes diet delicious!

Q) Past Experience 집에서 기억에 남는 경험 

시나리오 :

집에서 전신거울을 깬 끔찍한 경험 > 앞에서 말한 것처럼 집 꾸미기에 빠져있었음 > 비싼 큰 거울 샀다 > 옮기다가 깨짐 > 다치지 않았음에 다행으로 생각함

전략 : 

- 앞 질문에 답한 내용은 다시 언급함 👍

- 인용문 사용 (I was like)


I remember my experience of breaking a full body mirror related to what you’re asking. >> Main Point
You know, it was definitely terrible because the broken mirror was quite expensive.
It was about couple of weeks ago, as I told you before, I was into styling my bedroom. >> 앞 질문 답변내용 재 언급 
I ordered a large full body mirror for myself, and so I had to move it to my room.
But, while I was moving the mirror, all of a sudden, my hand slipped and I missed the mirror.
I was like, “Holy shit,,,”
Umm,,, actually I couldn’t say anything, I was just so frustrated with completely broken mirror.
I couldn’t believe my eyes!
Of course, I had to remove the broken mirror and order it again
But you know, I had no choice but just to relieve that I was not hurt at all that day.
* was into : ~에 관심이 있다
