오늘은 오픽에서 "수영"과 관련된 질문에 대한 스크립트를 공유해보려합니다.
Description, Habit, Past Experience 세 가지 질문에 대해 준비해봤습니다.
Filler는 다다익선이니 꼭 제가 넣은 부분이 아니더라도대답 중에 막힐때나 중간 중간에 다양하게 넣어주세요
* 문법적으로는 잘못된 부분이 있을 수 있어요. 메인포인트(MP)와 표현, 시나리오 위주로 참고해주세요 :)
* Filler
* Main Point
* 강조하는 표현
Q) Description 수영을 어디서 하는지? 한지 얼마나 됐고, 자주 가는지, 누구랑 가는지
시나리오 :
사계절 내내 수영할 수 있어서 좋아 > 계절에 따른 제약이 없어 > 실내 운동이기 때문 > 기분 너무 상쾌해 > 비오는 날에도 수영할 수 있어
전략 :
- 최대한 하나의 포인트에만 집중해서 자세하게 설명
I have been swimming since I was a kid, maybe 8 years old.
And um, I usually go to sports center alone, coz it’s just nearby my home, may be 5 minutes
Well anyway, I really like swimming cos I can enjoy swimming for any seasons. >> Main Point
I mean, there’s no seasonal restriction!
It’s an indoor exercise. So even in the seasons which is not summer, I can feel just so cool!
It’s so refreshing.
And you know what?
We can also go swimming in rainy days!
So, I’m just trying to go swimming at least 2 times a week to feel refreshed!
Q) Habit 수영 전후에 무엇을 하는지? 무엇을 챙겨가는지?
시나리오 :
수영갈 때 항상 가방을 챙겨 > 어느 것 하나라도 빼먹으면 그날은 수영 못해 > 옛날에 수건을 빠뜨린 적이 있는데, 수영도 못하고 집에 왔어 > 그래서 요즘은 집을 떠나기 전에 물건 확인을 해
전략 :
- 과거와 비교하는 표현
No matter what, whenever I go swimming, I always pack my bag. >> Main Point
I mean, I take my swimsuit, goggles, towel and so on.
It’s really important because, if I don’t take even a single thing among them, I can not swim that day.
Back in the days, someday, I forgot to pack a towel, and I realized just after I changed into my swimsuit!
So, I had to go back home.
I mean actually I had no other choice!
So nowadays, I always check if I took all the materials before I leave my home.
Cos, I don’t wanna turn back home without having done swimming again!
Q) Past Experience 최근 경험 / 인상깊은 경험
시나리오 :
수영하다가 다리에 쥐가 남 > 패닉 & 무서움 > 레인을 잡고 돌아옴 > 준비운동을 안해서 그랬음 > 지금은 수영전에 꼭 준비운동을 함
전략 :
적절하게 과장하는 연기 .. (?)
I have an experience of getting a cramp in my leg while swimming related to what you’re asking. >> Main Point
I felt panic because it was my first experience of getting a cramp!
It was when I went swimming after a long time.
I was swimming the butterfly you know, all of a sudden, I got a cramp in my left leg!
I couldn’t continue swimming anymore.
Umm I was just so scared.
So, I just grabbed lane and returned back to the starting point.
I thought to myself that this situation was caused by not warming up.
With this experience, I always make sure to warm up before swimming.
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